Elektrofachadel / Fulgeance / Low Club Tour PART 2
24. Dezember 2008 Feux
Yo. here we go. Some photos and videos from the Austrian Low CLub Tour organised by the Elektrofachadel. All the pics and videos are from Fulgeance. Elektrofachadel Crew did so much video work that we have to organise this stuff first, to get a dope video together… so it might take a time and when u just forgot about this event we come back in full fx and bring you some shit to bounce. Enuff talk…
So this are some Videos from Dorian Concept doing some live Alesis action shot by Fulgenace. As i told on the top.. More video material is planed to come out.. Give us some time. We need it..

Tags: low club tour, Musique Large
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