Unreleased by Dwele

12. Januar 2010 Manuva


und noch ein freies album zum download mit wirklich raren und unreleaseten songs von dwele, die man sich entweder auf die platte ziehen oder gleich online anhören kann.

Dwele’s demo, which is also considered his first album, 1998’s Rize, was sold out of the trunk of his car exuding the DIY ethic that is much more predominant nowadays but wasn’t as prevalent then. Bubbling over with warm Rhodes, unconventional lyrics and soul, soul, soul it helped him score a deal with Virgin where he… released his first studio album Subject. He’s continued to release albums since then and has become an industry favorite.

In between recordings, he stayed in the studio banging out treats for his friends, fans and potential albums. A lot of these tracks have never seen an official release, yet they fell through the cracks and onto the computers of voracious listeners. We here at BamaLoveSoul feel as if these tracks should be heard.

Enter Keep RIZEing to the Top: a SELECTION of Unreleased Dwele Songs from his many unreleased albums and projects. Enjoy!


via trishes

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Kategorie Downloads, MP3s, Mixtapes | 9 Kommentare »

Dwele - workin on it

16. März 2009 Manuva

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dwele hat nun seinen eigenen videokanal bei youtube eingerichtet und scheint dort seine arbeit zum nächsten album zu dokumentieren…  workin on it gefällt mir. die dilla-zitat sind smooth gemacht.


super sympathisch auch das nächste video…. after the click. (weiterlesen…)

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Kategorie Video | 0 Kommentar »