Zweipunktnull - Milk EP
4. Mai 2011 Feux
Tags: Milk EP, Zweipunktnull
Kategorie MP3s | 0 Kommentar »Drink Tickets Remixed
15. April 2011 Feux
Drink Tickets madness is on again! Nine months after the the original release by Mono:massive x Vertual Vertigo, we bring em back with a lil twist on it. For this we asked a few artist like Suff Daddy, Tobrock, Kalifornia Kurt, Fella Vaughn, Illiaz, Minor Sick, Flip, Croup, Feux, Japandrew, Zweipunktnull, 4di, tom2k … to test their “mixing” skills. Get your drink on!
Tags: 4di, Croup, Drink Tickets, fella vaughn, Flip, illiaz, Japandrew, Kalifornia Kurt, minor Sick, mono:massive, suff daddy, Tobrock, Tom2k, Vertual Vertigo, Zweipunktnull
Kategorie Allgemein | 0 Kommentar »
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